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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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Scenario play test - The little French Drummer Boy - Continued

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Scenario play test - The little French Drummer Boy - Continued

Turn 4

First half of the unit activates…

Jobe sprints to support Doctor Bombay.

The Doctor decides to train his pistol on the revenant that nearly killed Peal and Jobe. The flash cough and bang of the pistol is followed but the gut turning gorey slap and skull crack of a headshot and the revenant collapses. The doctor checks for clues… But all he finds is fresh air and a moan on the wind announcing the arrival of another revenant.

Peal advances to one of the last places they could find the drummer and…. He finds a rabbits foot?

Monster phase…

Shambling and moaning heard from north and south…

Alistair is attacked but fends it off easily, whips around his musket and levels his attacker with a blow that would floor an ox.

Second half…

Craven advances and… finds the Drummer boy! And with his French phrases and the evidence that the Brits are clearly a better prospect than being eaten by revenants… The boy follows and the dogs licks Craven’s hand. (Courage check passed.)

Hatchett and Godalming advances to support Craven’s planned path of retreat and reload their weapons.

Bloggs advances, fires and wounds one of the last revanents.

End phase…

Drummer boy… No noise made with his drum.

6+ rolled so another revanent arrives.

Doc crit shot on Z causing wounds to Peal and Jobe. Doc checks clue marker... Doc crit shot on Z causing wounds to Peal and Jobe. Doc checks clue marker...
Scenario play test - The little French Drummer Boy - Continued

Turn 5

First half of the unit activates…

Craven takes the drummer boy west.

Peal advances up next to Doctor Bombay and reloads.

The Doctor heals Peal for 2 H and reloads his pistol.

Jobe advance next to the Doctor and reloads his musket.

Monster phase…

Some moaning and shambling but no fighting.

Second half…

Bloggs reloads and fires, and wounds a revenant to the South West.

Hatchett fires his rifle, misses and reloads

Alistair reloads his musket, fires and misses.

Godalming fires, misses, curses, rages and reloads.

End of turn…

No noise from the drummer boy

No new revenant arrives.

The drummer boy escaping but not clear yet.The drummer boy escaping but not clear yet.

Turn 6

First half of the unit activates…

The good doctor heals Jobe for 2 Health and fires on and wounds the nearest revenant

Peal advance and fires, and sadly misses.

Craven advances West with the drummer boy… so close to exiting, but not just yet.

Hatchett fires his rifle, wounds a revenant and reloads.

Monster phase…

A revenant attacks Hatchett but the tussle is fruitless for both of them.

The wounded revanent attacks the Doc, but is met with a meat cleaver between the eyes.

The last revenant shambles forward but won’t be able to impact the unit’s and the drummer boy’s escape.

Second half…

Alistair reloads, fires and wounds a revenant near Hatchett.

Jobe advances, fires and kills the same revenant, the second musket ball sending the corpse cartwheeling away in a grotesque tumble to the floor.

Bloggs reloads, fires, and kills the last revenant and the graveyard falls eerily still.

Godalming advance south and orders the unit to retire to the South and West.

End of turn…

Drummer boy, noise created, but there are no revenants to attract

Revenant arrives at the bottom left gravestone.

Turn 7

Called it a day.

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