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First game of Star Wars: Shatterpoint

First game of Star Wars: Shatterpoint

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The Second Struggle

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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At the start of the second struggle, the active objectives change, and also reduce in number (from 5 to 3). Additionally, in the second and third struggles one of the objectives is designated the priority objective, and is worth double the points to its controller. And, just to make things really interesting, the location of the priority objective is rolled randomly each round, so its position changes from turn to turn (but can occasionally stay in the same place).

This led to our game’s standout cinematic moment. The objective that Obi-Wan and Ventress had been fighting over during the first struggle went dark, so there wasn’t any reason for either of them to be there any longer. Luckily I was able to activate Ventress on my next turn, and she was able to Dash (a short move) off the edge of the gantry, landing at ground level, and then use a Force leap to jump up onto the rock formation where there was an active objective. She took a swipe at the Clone Trooper there, hoping to score a shove in order to push him off the elevated rock. That didn’t work, but she had one last ace up her sleeve, a special ability that allowed her to push the Clone Trooper away and take control of the objective.

The Second Struggle

Eventually Commander Cody and his Clones managed to retake the rock, but were in turn dislodged by Count Dooku. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan jumped down from the gantry to engage with Jango Fett over one of the other objective points. Kalani, a droid commander who can move other Battle Droids during his turn, was able to order the Magnaguards to move in to help, but Obi-Wan managed to retain control of the objective long enough for help to arrive in the form of Ahsoka, who moved in to help after assisting the Mandalorians to take out the B1 Battle Droids, our game’s only actual casualty.

In spite of Ventress, Dooku, and Jango Fett’s best efforts, my opponent was able to score more objective points and win the second struggle. Since the first player to win two struggles is the winner, this meant a crushing defeat for the forces of evil.

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