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Gorram Plays with Toxic Chemicals

Gorram Plays with Toxic Chemicals

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Tutoring 2
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Idea 2
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Like a lot of hobbyists, I’ve had half an eye on 3d printing for several years now. Earlier in 2023, I sat and figured out a budget for getting into it and then I looked at the pile of shame… nope, can’t justify that until some of mountain is dealt with thought I. Maybe next year.

Then someone in a local gaming discord upgraded their resin printer and offered their old one for free.

I’m Scottish, I can’t say no to free. They revoke my haggis hunting license.


Now, obviously I was missing a few things to get started properly but the printer is the most expensive part. I got the printer just in time for a weekend when I had a lot to do so deliberately didn’t order the rest of the things I need – I know myself well enough that if I had the means to play around with a new tech toy, nothing else would get done that weekend.

So here we are, two weeks later and I’ve had a delivery of tools etc sitting waiting for a couple of free evenings. I know very little about resin printing and only a little bit more about filament thanks to a work project a few years ago. Let’s give this a shot then shall we?

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