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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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First Kill Team

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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First Kill Team

So, to be sure that I had a Kill Team for a first game I quickly looked through my existing minis and found that I had almost enough painted for a basic Imperial Guard Kill Team. The problem was, that Kill Team often only allows only one choice per operative type. This meant I couldn’t use two flamethrowers (pah!).

Also, my choice of special weapons was quite limited since I raided my bits box to construct my fleet for Billion Suns… I did manage to find one grenade launcher, however! I did have some difficulty to find the exact colours of the minis I had painted years ago, but I think I managed to get the colours right enough.

I also decided that I wanted a sniper rifle, but didn’t have any rifles in my bits box left. So instead, I just snipped of the muzzle of a lasgun and put a piece of paperclip in between to elongate it.  I realise I should have taken a before and after picture.

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