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AirWar C21 - Dogfight over Ukraine 2022 Wargame

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AirWar C21 – Dogfight over Ukraine 2022 Wargame

Oriskany Jim sits down with Jennifer to play AirWar C21 by Wessex Games – to recreate one of the few documented air-to-air dogfights to take place over the Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.  Here we see Stepan Tarabalka of the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade in his MiG-29 go head to head with Russian Sukhoi Su-35 strike fighters on March 13, 2022 over Zhitomir Oblast in the opening months of the current invasion.

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oriskanyzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great video Guy’s.
I always liked the mig 29 one of the best starting plane’s in the AirCombat game back in the day.

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