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Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

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The First Field is Ready

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Hi everyone,

I just finished making the first of six fields of this type, so I decided to post a quick one with the second part of the process.

I will be making two more fields of a different type, but similar in several ways, but that is for another post.

The field is drybrushed with several lighter tones up to a white drybrush.The field is drybrushed with several lighter tones up to a white drybrush.
The field is given a brown wash to give back tone, but keeping the definition of the drybrushing.The field is given a brown wash to give back tone, but keeping the definition of the drybrushing.
The last step is to add flock.The last step is to add flock.

The tufts around the edges are normal tufts from several different companies, but the central foliage (done in lines) is coarse grass from Jarvis Countryside Scenics. The central lines were the most time-consuming part of this process. I used three different colours.

This stuff was used to make the central foliage lines.This stuff was used to make the central foliage lines.

That is all for today.  The next post will probably be the fist unit of Confederate Cavalry.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.


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