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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Epic times ahead

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The start of a second edition epic forceThe start of a second edition epic force

Spent a fun bankholiday Monday painting these chaps.

Went with space wolves as its a nod back to the army my brother used to have when we were kids,my chaos army used to spend a lot of time loosing to them.

Decided on old school goblin green bases just need to find some bright green flock to bring out the 90s charm.

To paint them I base coated everything with the gw paint the fang followed by a Drybrook of ferris grey and vallejo wolf grey.

All the marine packs and tank traks were then painted black with contrast which is amazing at this scale it speeds everything up.

Next all the weapons were painted silver, then the shoulder pads and doors were painted there unit colour.

The grey hunters have red pads, long fangs have white, blood claws have yellow and the wolf guard have black.

Once this was all dry everything got a splosh of army painter strong tone mixed 50/50 with water.

Finally everything got a funky green base using vallejo goblin green.

Look forward to getting them on the table.

Just need to paint a warlord titan to make a 3000 point army of doomJust need to paint a warlord titan to make a 3000 point army of doom

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