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Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

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20 hours later

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

2k for 2k is still going but I’m officially finished. In total I got 315 points painted and it was a joy… even doing all the filigree 14 hours in.

The list of paints is too long and to be honest there was very little planning in mind. Partly copying the box art, partly looking at my paint wrack and picking what I hadn’t used in a while.

That’s one of the things off the to do list. Next up is probably some terrain as a break from mini painting.

After a sleep.

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Cult of Games Member

I really really like the way you painted them up. The next time you take a picture of them, can you place a miniature for scale and comparison, it is not too much trouble. Your work is giving me ideas!

Cult of Games Member

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