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Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

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Armada - Getting Started

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 9
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When it comes to Kings of War Armada, I was sure I was going to be an orc player. I really liked the look of the ships in the starter box and I’ve a love for green skins. 

All of my childhood I wanted to be a marine biologist and, though regrettably I didn’t go down that career path, I’m still fascinated by underwater life. So when the Trident Realms fleet came out looking like this, I was a goner. I’ll take one of everything please!

They’ve sat in boxes since I got them but the campaign is the perfect reason to get them painted up. By and large the resins are gorgeous. There are a few bubbles and one or two nasty mould slips but overall, they were easy to put together and look good. Each fits the bases neatly so there isn’t a lot of extra work to be done on them.

Just needed to get them primed for 6pm Friday and we can get started on the streaming madness. Please come visit with the Miniature Frontier channel over on Twitch for 2k for 2k. There’s some amazing guests lined up and it is raising money for a great cause.

Armada - Getting Started

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