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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Building the Scarecrows

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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24th August 2023

With the restic minis built it was on to the hard plastic scarecrows.

Just one sprue of 5 to assemble.

5 lower bodies, 5 torsos and a variety of arms and heads.

The sprue comes with a few tentacle arms, but I decided to make them as humanoid as possible (some tentacle parts could not be avoided).

This also gave me some tentacles for my bits box….

I also went for the pumpkin head, and the ones with the scarecrow style hats.

Building the Scarecrows
Building the Scarecrows

And with those done, the Nightstalkers warband was assembled.

Building the Scarecrows

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