Chasing the Bad Moon
A herd and a story
The first herd is painted and today is the first game. So I will have some of the army unpainted but, not bad progress for starting only a couple days before the start of the campaign. I also did a little write up for my warband. I am by no means a writer in any sense but hope y’all like it.
After finding a small glassworks Igzig Dankmullet knew he was on the right path. Aqshy was the place he would find the Morka touched git, know as a rabble rowza. His unruly mob of gitz ransacked the glassworks of all the bottles they could find. These will be needed for the various mushroom brews the shaman, Globbnogg, promised would help find the loud mouthed git. It wasn’t long before the last bottle was klepped when the squig hopper scouts came back. They spoke of a band of bone boyz to the south. After speaking to his squig shepherd, Skasnag, Igzig decided to head south. The ground bones under the light of the Bad Moon would grow big and angry squigs. And just maybe this battle would make GorkaMorka bless the warband.
A lovely squig herd. Brand me envious.