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Medieval Mayhem - A Barons War Project

Medieval Mayhem - A Barons War Project

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Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Preparation of the Miniatures

My first Miniatures purchase for TBW was the chosen men retinue, and a couple of mounted figures.

The first stage was to ensure that all the figures were prepared correctly. The usual method of removing excess metal and mold lines where possible.

The figures were then washed in water and dish soap and left to dry.

The next step was to glue them onto the round biscuit bases that were provided. Then I used Vallejo Grey earth texture around the base of the miniature I don’t cover the metal base it is just to avoid a lip.

The painting process started by spraying the figures with Zandri Dust from GW.

I then washed the Miniatures in Agrax Earth shade.

  1. Then dry brushed with sand yellow from Vallejo, and then pale sand also from Vallejo.




The first unit I worked on was the Spearmen. I decided to tie them together as part of a retinue by choosing the arms of the lord which will be red with a white cinquefoil.


The Spearmen come with Separate white metal spears , but these are pretty bendy so I decided to replace them. I could purchase separate spears. But I have a lot of brass rod. Therefore made my own I cut the brass rod I t lengths of around 6cm. I then used pliers to flatten the ends and a jewelers file to create the points. I then drilled out the hands of each spearman using a pin vice.

Painting was then started.

The final group shot of the completed spearmen The final group shot of the completed spearmen

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