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Operation: Spidicules

Operation: Spidicules

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Spidicule Fingers!!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

After adding tons of ‘visual interest’ to the base, I didn’t feel like digging the insulation foam out of storage, which would have been the next step. That only left playing around with Spidicules’ legs.

I started with the fingers. Because this Spidicules will be perched atop a base, there’s no need for the fingers to remain flat and splayed. So I decided to cut and


individually drill and pin every finger joint.

I’m not sure why I made this decision other than ‘I have a brand new pin vise and want to use it’ but I started to regret it about halfway through the first hand. The fingers were so tiny that it was a real trial holding them still to work the drill.

In the end, I think this will make the hands super-strong in the face of drops and potential breaks – but go into this with your eyes open. It took about 3 evenings just for the fingers.

The picture below gives some idea of the conversion happening.

Pictured: Brand new pin vise and the terrible decisions it encouraged me to make.Pictured: Brand new pin vise and the terrible decisions it encouraged me to make.

All in all, it wasn’t very difficult getting the hand to look better. Just cutting a joint almost automatically created a surface that looked good as a ‘knuckle’ when rotated inwards.


It’s probably safe to say that my pin vise is no longer brand new and I don’t really feel like using it anymore.

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