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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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Solo campaign - Scenario One - Wolf Pack - Continued

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Turn 4

First half unit activation…

Hatchett flees away from the Werewolf and reloads his rifles as he moves.

In spite of his injury Alistair blasts a silver bullet into the werewolf, but only appears to have wounded it (and upset it.)

Craven investigates the clue he found and… Found the objective!? The missing orders are found, so the squad can begin to retire from the fight.

Monster phase…

The wounded wolf comes again, this time at Bloggs but with less energy, an unnerved Bloggs tries to stab it again, but it wheels away beyond his glinting blooded blade.

The werewolf charges at Anderson and batters him into the nearest tree and Anderson is out for the count. Another wolf attacks Jobe and again he avoids the teeth. Jobe’s axe bites flesh but doesn’t fell the canine.

Second half…

Godalming gives the order to retire in good order, fires a silver shot at the werewolf and harm’s the beast wickedly and backs away into the mist surrounding their engagement…

Jobe and Bloggs begin to retire as ordered and reload their muskets.

End of turn wolf roll …

Another wolf arrives close, to the South.

Solo campaign - Scenario One - Wolf Pack - Continued

Turn 5

First half unit activation…

Hatchett fires his rifle at the werewolf and retires to the North West hoping to circle around somehow later as his brothers in arms escape Eastward… Alistair heads off to support his wounded officer and disappears into the mist…

Monster phase…

Two wolves in succession attempt to harm Private Bloggs but even as he fatigues they fail to sink their teeth in. The werewolf roars, but he fails to catch up with the retreating Brits.

Second half… Private Bloggs finally puts down the wolf that had already been wounded and headed off into the mist… Arthur Jobe fired his musket at the Werewolf and the beast collapsed in a heap on the floor (the silver bullets that struck him earlier finally taking their toll most likely). Jobe vengefully spat on the earth, concerned for the health of Doctor Bombay and Anderson left behind, but he followed his orders as he too made his way into the fog.

Craven took one last shot at the nearest Wolf and ran to catch up with the others.

End of turn wolf roll… another wolf arrives to the South.

Solo campaign - Scenario One - Wolf Pack - Continued

Turn 6

Rifle empty and wolves still on the prowl Hatchett escapes into the night and finds his way rather circuitously back to his comrades.

Mission completed…

The aftermath

Godalming is already dressing wounds, taking stock and considering the best path back to check on Doctor Bombay and Private Anderson. Reading the plans Craven found can wait until daylight to be read. The unit survived for the most part and no one is bitten or slashed by the werewolves, so things could have been a lot worse.

The team got full XP for the mission. Anderson suffered a permanent injury, (internal injury = health -1) but the good doctor escaped with a concussion, no more serious injuries and helps patch up the wounds sustained by the others.The team got full XP for the mission. Anderson suffered a permanent injury, (internal injury = health -1) but the good doctor escaped with a concussion, no more serious injuries and helps patch up the wounds sustained by the others.

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