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The Big Stocktake

The Big Stocktake

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Getting back into it.

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 7

My apologies for the massive time elapsed between updates on the project,

We went on a massive tour around Europe taking in England, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic and France.  All I can say about it was that it was absolutely awesome and after a 7-week holiday, it’s been really hard getting back into things.

We’ve been back a while now and I have been staring at these Walking Dead figures trying my best to will them to paint themselves.  At the moment I am just not feeling the love for them so need to put them aside and crack on with something else.  Once I get my Walking Dead mojo back, I will return to these.  I promise.


So, pushing forward.

I went in quite big on both the Battletech Clan invasion and Blood and Plunder Raise the Black campaigns.  Both have been sitting patiently waiting for their time to shine.  Shamefully the Battletech one has been sitting there for quite some time.

I first got into Battletech way back when I was at school, which is a long time ago.  It was a pretty new game at the time with little cardboard standees.  We played it all the time.  Over the years I have run several successful Tournaments, taken part in several tournaments and both run and taken part in long campaigns.  Then with the closure of my local club, it all stopped.  That was probably 10 years ago now and for some reason life got busy.

Anyway, it’s a game system that I love, but more than that I love the lore of it.  The stories and background.  The intrigue and politics.

So, it looks like I will make a start on these new plastic miniatures.

Getting back into it.
Getting back into it.

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Cult of Games Member

Jeeebus that mountain of plastic is enormous…

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