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Silver Bayonet 1850

Silver Bayonet 1850

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Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Gripping Beast do a lovely litle range of witch hunters which Ben reminded me about when he was giving the Blood- Maw a Golden Button.  I had to have them so here they are, ready to go.

In this scenario they form the Hexenjaeger.  Allied to the Church factions but even the fanatics or the Ordo find their mode of devotion distasteful and their methods shocking.  Whilst they outwardly respect the Church’s objectives they are also operating to their own unknowable agenda.  They are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their goals and innocence is no defense if witchcraft is suspected.

Firstly the Grand Master, his Confessor and the Sergeant-at-Arms.  Painting wise I’ve gone with Grim Black and Murder Scene (the dark purple shade).  Everything else is the usual Speedpaints except the metailics where I went for Vallejo Model Air Black metallic with a highlight of Vallejo Metal Colour Pale Burnt Metal.  To finish, I tried a new matt varnish product on these.  Mr Super Clear Matt from Mr Hobby.  The can is twice the size of the Mr Hobby Matt Topcoat I’ve been using and results seems similarly flat  Looks good.


The soldiers who come in two packs from GB.  The torches are a bit bendy as the connection between hand and firey bit is quite thin but a least they bend back again easily.  Flame effect follows the directions I gave in the earlier Villagers Mob post and are based on the instructions from North Star Magazine here.


Executioners.  I love the equipment details on these models.


Order Militant Fanatics.  Clearly their solution to living in a scary world is to be the scariest thing in it.


And finally a group shot.  Good luck dealing with all of this lot.


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