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Legions Imperialis

Legions Imperialis

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Trees! Test fitting

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Once the base of the tree line had been done, I just wanted to check how much height I would then get when adding on the clump foilage to represent the tree canopy.

Now scale wise these would have needed to have been 32mm odd high (8mm scale. A marine being 7ft tall and a realistic expectation of a tree being 28+ft tall) but when looking at the piece from a standing position 4ft away, I think the plan will give the right portrayal of trees.

Below are some photos of the “test fit” with nothing glued.

Its worth noting how tight the base has been cut to the shape of the rock face – about a 1-1.5mm.

This is so I can blend the rock face onto the base with some additional carving of some plaster and also to minimise the chance of warping as the plaster dries.

From close in at eye level, the tree base looks a little …. iffy, but again, from a playing position / standing height I think it looks ok.

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