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Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

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A Barn & Revisting the House (and trying to improve it!)

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

Hi everyone,

In between the two units of Union Cavalry, I decided to focus some of my free time on another piece of scenery – a barn.

The build is the same as the house, with an interior structure made of foam board cut-outs and coffee stirrers. The pictures below should exchange well than a thousand words.

I have not finished the barn as yet, but it will be ready by next week – as far as the building is concerned.


The interior structure made out of foam-board cutouts.The interior structure made out of foam-board cutouts.
The outer structure is done with cheap coffee stirrers.The outer structure is done with cheap coffee stirrers.
A Barn & Revisting the House (and trying to improve it!)

I also revisited the first house I built.  I was really unhappy with it, even though it was the first time I built something like this.  I went back and redid the chimney with smaller bricks that are more in scale with the 1/72 figures.  I also repainted the door and windows white to give the structure some variety.  I also painted the windows black instead of white.  This helps them stand out better – just pretend the house is empty!

Re-scaled the chimney.Re-scaled the chimney.
Painted up the door and windows white.Painted up the door and windows white.

That is all for this week.  From tomorrow I will continue with the barn and start the second Union cavalry unit.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.


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nightrunnerChris Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great start on the barn, and those are some well-considered alterations to the house. Well done on last week’s Golden Button, very well deserved.

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