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Legions Imperialis

Legions Imperialis

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completing the rock face

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Once the plaster castings have dried, you can then start to fill in the gaps / exposed polystyrene.

There are plenty of videos on Youtube that would show you how to do this in detail, but the steps are pretty simple….

  • add wet plaster
  • blend into the rock face
  • hit/sculpt with a tool
  • scratch with a wire brush
  • press in some slate shingles to give texture
  • stipple with a brush

To avoid annoying balls of plaster forming and being left behind, keep just brushing off with a soft brush. This also helps take away any sharpe edges that may have formed.

And eventually you will end up with something like this.

  • the top of the rock face is created in the exact same way but gives it a more jaggedy appearence rather than a flat top.
  • The polystyrene in the photo will be a slope to either simulate a previous rock slide or be made into a foresty copse on the slopes of the mountain. (or a combination of the two)

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