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The Chaos All Stars 2018

The Chaos All Stars 2018

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Full Beard Cup 2023

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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Right, we haven’t really done much with this project since 2020, that is about to change!

Last year I attended the Full Beard Cup at Warhammer World – I used Dark Elves and did quite badly Drew 3 Lost 2 out of the 5 games.

Since then my Blood Bowl exploits have been mainly playing BB3 on the PS4.

I have been running a Chaos Renegades team and doing okish Won 10 lost 7 at this point.

That got me thinking, I can I transfer that to the table top – and if so where?

So, I am pulling together a GW approved Renegades team – and I am basing them on …..yeah you guessed it…. Phil Lewis’ classic 1988 line up! (with a few tweaks).

So here is the planned line up:


Jurgen Daemonfeeder Renegade Human Linemen
Pabst “The Box” Brooks Renegade Human Linemen
Constrictor Atlanson Renegade Human Linemen
Garak Grigolson Renegade Human Linemen
Engel Von Evilstein Renegade Human Linemen
Ruddog Ironhead Renegade Human Linemen
Keft The Despised Renegade Human Thrower
Luxon Hrull Renegade Dark Elf
Sark Four-Eyes Renegade Skaven
Spite Grimgouge Renegade Orc
Bork Bulge-Belly Renegade Troll
Zy-Nox Minotaur
(TBD) Ogre

3 ReRolls.

GW’s new tournament rules mean that as a Tier 2, Renegades get 8 skill points, so I am going to do the following:

Block on 1 Lineman, 1 tentacle, 1 claws, Dark Elf gets Block, and the Skaven gets 2 heads (5 Spp).

the Minotaur gets Block (at 2spp).

1 Spp left. Not sure what to do with the last skill. As I am taking a Thrower I don’t know whether or not to give him Leader for another re-roll, or a passing skill.

If I don’t do that, I dunno whether to go all in on the carnage and give another Lineman Block?

So far when it comes to the mini build, I have chopped up 5 Human Lineman, 1 human thrower, added an extra head to the Skaven Linerat, and glued lots of spikes, chains and skulls onto the Ogre.

Pictures to follow.

I am awaiting the FW Mintour and armoured troll, and an Orc lineman off Ebay.



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