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Rigging…all the rigging - Black Seas

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Brigs, all the brigs…

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
Brigs, all the brigs…

Progress can be a little slow when doing stuff for money to use for boring things like eating, heating and generally not turning into a troglodyte get in the way – 6 days of 12 hour shifts means I’ve only got the brigs a little further along. Happily they only need the bowsprit rig doing now – the bit I remember from the frigate as being the most frustrating…
After hearing commentary on the sails I might well investigate my options with them to see what other sails I could use- having the card stock ones seems easiest but not if they are going to be disappearing off every time I touch a ship!

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Tom LoweChrissundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Australian navy? All upside down XD

Cult of Games Member

Nice work with the rigging. Any thoughts about how you might base them, or even if you’re going to?

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