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Ewoks' Kitbash Gallery

Ewoks' Kitbash Gallery

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Gallery 18: The Doomed 2.0

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Not content with my first 32 miniatures, I decided I wanted some kind of repurposed industrial cyborg pieces.I 3d printed some Depth Walkers, basically a kind of deep-sea space marine. I would have printed shoulders too but my sack of crap Anycubic had decided to invert the image on the display while keeping the actual touch points in the original position.
So I dived into the bits box and found some GW bits and some Anvil shoulder pads,but I had to order more, I will be adding them once they arrive.For now there’s some pictures of the dry brushed WIP.
Also here are some pictures of my first Horror, just a 3d print, but fun to paint.

Gallery 18: The Doomed 2.0
Gallery 18: The Doomed 2.0
Gallery 18: The Doomed 2.0

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Holy crap there’re so many minis built (some of them even have paint on them). I believe that this is near overload levels for sheer amount of insanity. I salute you in that regard.

I will endeavor to follow in smaller steps after you, good sir. There are so many things to do that catch the eye that shine brilliantly.

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