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Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

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Black Orcs!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6

Yep, it’s an army for Warhammer: the Old World, but these guys are based on round base. They are second hand models and they were already based. I will use a movement tray, so it won’t make a difference. (And I have too many models to paint to rebase them ?)

It was a relatively quick project for me (I am a slow painter),

Half of the models were primed directly with Krylon metallic primer (Metallic Silver). It worked well, was quick and very cheap. It produced a very shiny finish.

Then I applied some contrast paints over some of the metal armor plates to add variety. Used a bunch of different contrast paint (Blood Angel, Snakebite Leather, diluted Wyldwood, and so on). Applying contrast paint over metallic part is really easy and fun.

After applying the initial colors, I applied various oil or enamel wash. I tried streaky grime, but for this project I thought it was a bit too dark. The best oil wash was simply a very diluted black oil wash.


Black Orcs!!
Black Orcs!!
Black Orcs!!

I did make a few mistakes:

  • For half of the models, I decided to first zenithal prime them (white over a black primer). As I should have known, metallic primer over a white primer did not give a very nice finish…
  • Second mistake: after basecoating the additional colors, I used a matte varnish instead of a gloss or satin varnish. I was in a rush and I made a stupid mistake…

I applied some glossy varnish on selected area of the models to bring back some of the shine.

Will try to make less mistakes next time… Live and learn I guess!

Not ahiny enough..Not ahiny enough..
After a glossy varnish After a glossy varnish
Need to « black rim » the basesNeed to « black rim » the bases

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Cult of Games Member

Your classic Ork project figures are fabulous looking for playing games with @lovecraft2020

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