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Making a fist of Indomitus

Making a fist of Indomitus

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Surprise Battle Report

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Surprise Battle Report

This was my first game of 40k 10th and first game of 40k in a long time. The is was the combat patrol Nids vs Necrons. I was excited to play this so I forgot to take too many photos, the picture above is from turn 4 I think.

We agreed to play the Clash of Patrols mission.

Playing the Nids I started with the Gaunts in two groups one behind the building on left and one behind the generator in the middle with the barb gaunts to their right.  The Psychophage and prime starting down the left and the leapers infiltrating up right behind the building at the top.

The Necrons started with the warriors in the middle next to the Overlord with the Destroyers to their left behind the pipe, the Doomstalker on the far left and the scarabs on the far right.

Turn 1

I had first turn so I moved the gaunts towards objectives 3 & 4, the prime moving to objective 2 and Psychophage moving up to support him. The Barbs fired on the destroyers, mainly to try and slow them down. The leapers then charged into the Warriors and owing to some terrible rolling from my opponent managed to kill 7 of them.

Now for the necrons to strike back, 2 of the warriors got straight back up and the one wound on the destroyers was also healed. They then advanced on the prime but failed the charge roll because they had been slowed. Then the Doomstalker unleased its full fire power on the Psychophage and manged to do no damage at all. The overlord charged into the leapers and the resultant combat ended with a wound on a leaper and the warriors wiped out. The Scarabs advanced towards objective 3.

Turn 2

I scored 3 objectives at this point (2, 3 & 4) as I had the gaunts and prime on them.

I moved the gaunts fully onto objectives 3 & 4 with one group on objective 3 and the barbs firing on the scarabs managing to remove a stand of them. The prime charged the destroyers and learned that Nids are poor against anything with a decent armour save and lost most of its wounds in combat. The Psychophage continued to move up but was too far away from the action to do anything. The leapers also faired poorly against the overlord losing one of their number.

The necrons had managed not to get anyone on an objective so scored nothing. They advanced the Doomstalker and once again unleashed its firepower on the Psychophage, this time removing a few wounds off it. The overlord finished off one more leaper, taking a wound in return and the destroyers finished off the Prime. The scarabs finally got into the action engaging the Gaunts on objective 3 managing to killing one of them.

Turn 3

I scored 2 objectives this time round (3 & 4), the Psychophage charged the destroyers to contest objective 2 and managing to kill a destoryer in combat. The gaunts on objective 3 managed to kill off another stand of scarabs and the last leaper managed nothing against the overlord and took a wound in return. The other gaunts and the Barbs didnt have a target so did nothing.

The necrons scored objective 2 as they had more OC that the Psychophage. The one dead destroyer then got back up and the overlord healed his one wound. The destroyers ignited their blades with Plasmacyte and carved large chunks off the Psychophage but was still going and it dished out a couple of wounds in return. The overlord fell back onto objective 1 as the leaper wasnt really a threat to him.

Turn 4

Again I scored 2 objectives (3 & 4) and the Psychophage continued against the destroyers hitting them for a couple of wounds and receiving some in return. I keep the last leaper back so the Gaunts on objective 3 finally finished off the scarabs and other gaunts moved up to the edge of objective 4 to take a pot shot at the overlord, which did nothing. The Barbs also had a go but again no wounds.

The necrons scored objectives 1 & 2 this time, and then the destroyers fell back so the overlord could unleash Tachyon arrow on the Psychophage which missed as I had put HYPER-REACTIVE on it and even a command reroll couldn’t do any better. The Doomstalker nocked a few more wounds off the Psychophage ready for the destroyers to finish it off.

Turn 5

Again I scored 2 objectives (3 & 4) and charged the Psychophage into the destroyers where they finished it off and I didn’t even get the pleasure of it blowing up and taking a few of them with it. The rest of the nids sat on their objectives and took pot shots at the overlord which resulted in no wounds what so ever.

The necrons scored objectives 1 & 2 again but it was too late for them to make a move on the other objectives.


The game ended with a win for the Nids, getting on the objectives early was the difference. On the game as whole I quite liked it, the forces were small so the down time between turns is not bad and there are some stratagems you play in your opponents turn so your not just sitting there all the time

Surprise Battle Report
Surprise Battle Report

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