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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Flinging Around more Paint.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So, guess what, the last test still hasn’t dried….. Well that’s oil paints for ya when you don’t use anything to speed up the drying process, my mistake.

Flinging Around more Paint.

Base 11

So we start off with a base with AK Interactive Diorama Terrains Muddy Ground (AK8017) over it and tracks marked into them. I then thinned a bit of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) with some white spirit to help it dry quicker. I accidentally thinned it a bit too much which will be a blessing in disguise I will come to with base 12. So I grabbed my hairdryer and dried it out a bit. Then I thinned some Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Shadow Brown (ABT015) to a wash consistency with some white spirit and put that in the tracks. I then put over a drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) followed by a lighter drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003).

Base 12

So a similar base as before to start with, but this time I thinned some Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) to a wash consistency and applied that to the base. I then dried off the white spirit with my hairdryer. Then I went in with the wash of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Shadow Brown (ABT015) in the tracks and dried that off with my hairdryer as well. I then followed that up with the drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) followed by a lighter drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003) to get this result.

Some pictures of this process are sadly missing as I may have forgotten to take them….

And thus base 12 (right) is finally the result I was looking for all this time, quite happy I finally found it. Now I am going to let this dry and see what else I am going to add to the base as a final process.

Base 11 (Left), Base 12 (Right)Base 11 (Left), Base 12 (Right)

I was almost thinking of subtitling this project as the search for mud….

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