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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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July 30th - Interlude for Ducks

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Funny thing about the way my brain works, when my soul goes into squalor goblin mode, my brain just blanks out on things. Might be conversations, birthdays, or plans. This interlude is brought to you by one of those blanks.

The Space Ducks is a community army project that will be put into a raffle. The draw is in October but the raffle opens in September. All the proceeds are being split between two mental health charities. You can find out more about them on their Instagram page.

I offered to get involved and was asked to paint up a drop pod. I bought the kit, put it under the desk to work on “soon” and then forgot all about it. My cats were playing under the desk the other day and lost their tin foil ball – fetching it like a responsible cat servant, I came across the drop pod.

July 30th - Interlude for Ducks

I’ve not done a drop pod before so building it was an interesting evening. Recently I’ve been trying to focus on done not perfect but as this is for a prize army, I want to put more effort in. Two sub-assemblies to make for easy painting.

The chapter symbol for the Space Ducks is a slice of bread so a bit of green stuff over the included chapter badges and we’re good to get priming. I have a lot of black and white primer but the temptation is to just buy a yellow one. Normally I’d stray away from buying a paint for such a minor project but it is a large model so brush painting will be a pain in the hold but I also have another army in mind coming up that the yellow would be good for. There is a show on here next weekend so I’ll have a look there rather than buying online and having to pay the shipping premium.

July 30th - Interlude for Ducks

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