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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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July 27th - Claymore Backlog

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Coming back to a project after a year away when your memory is as crap as mine is always an interesting time. I remember what I intended this army to be the stepping stone for but those plans are so far in the distance that it is almost not worth thinking about them.

They were for Altar of Freedom, I know that much. I don’t remember that decision but they have a very useful section on their theatre books which breaks down how many bases you need to for each army for each battle in the supplement. I have a note of what I needed for the first two legs of the original plan. That was good of me.

Even better, I wrote down what paints I used and the basic order for what I had already painted. Well done Past Gorram.

Before I get into the next batch though, I need the painting sticks back so this lot needed based. Thankfully Past Gorram also put a pack of bases in the size she’d intended to use in the project box (60mmx30mm).  After a bit of playing around, I worked out what strips were going on each stand; two rows with some skirmishers in front. Each stand has a flag in the centre of the front row but this could easily be chopped off if I don’t end up needing them in the future.

Next up I was going to mix some filler with paint because basing at this scale can be messy but I hate obvious signs the models are on strips. After sitting thinking about what I needed to do for a full 30 minutes without actually getting off my arse to do it, I noticed that I have three tubs of Stirland Battlemire perched on a shelf much closer to me so, que sera, sera. Each stand now has Stirland Battlemire instead. Not a strong economic decision but an energy one for now.

Left to dry overnight, there wasn’t as much shrinkage as I was expecting and a quick layer of some Fine Turf and they are done. Probably should have left some bare patches of ground but I was half sleep. Five down.

July 27th - Claymore Backlog

The next batch is the remains of the the base infantry. Everyone gets a soapy, warm bath and a rub down. If you want a project to go well you have to really pamper the minis a little.

Strips are then put onto tongue depressors with some blue tac. You could spray them at this point but I find I have more success getting into all the wee crannies without getting too thick a coat by using a brush on primer.I like the grey for smaller scales mainly because I can actually see details. Speaking of which…

July 27th - Claymore Backlog

All ready to go and then I remembered that since I last painted at this scale, my magnifying light stand broke so we’re off until tomorrow and some of those sexy magnifying glasses with the light on them arrive.

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sooooooooooooooo tiny.

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