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Whimsical Fantasy Miniatures

Whimsical Fantasy Miniatures

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The Aedwyrm

Tutoring 8
Skill 14
Idea 14
The Aedwyrm

The Aedwyrm from Oakbound Studio. They also have rules for their The Woods game mentioned a few posts back, but that’s not why I got this miniature. I’ve always loved the Great Spine Dragon from Games Workshop of the 80s but I’ve never owned one. Looking on eBay they can go for at least £600 which is for too much.
This dragon is very much inspired by the great spined dragon so for me it was a must buy as soon as I saw it.

The Aedwyrm

When I got the aedwyrm I also picked up the optional wings set, but in the end I decided not to give him wings as I liked the look of him as a wingless dragon.

I custom made the base from plasticard and build up layers of cork board so all of the dragon’s feet were in contact with the ground. I added different sizes rocks to make the terrain look more natural.

Here’s an archer from Otherworld Miniatures for scale.Here’s an archer from Otherworld Miniatures for scale.

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Cult of Games Member

Stunning work!

Cult of Games Member

Ooh, this is so cool, very nice work!

> Here’s an archer from Otherworld Miniatures for scale.

You meant “lunch”, right?

Cult of Games Member

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