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Rigging…all the rigging - Black Seas

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Progress photo dump!

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Honestly I thought I’d taken more wip photos – dunno what I’ve done with them!
The progress is as follows though:

Royal Navy Brigs & Frigates are painted (base coats and washes – might need to go back for touch ups and varnish later), Rigging has commenced on the first Brig.

HMS Victory has had her base coat applied (Matt black enamel over the resin pieces and black acrylic over the metal masts – I’ve enamelled over resin casts for a long time and it seems to work – the old forgeworld casts always seemed to flake acrylic spray off no matter how much I scrubbed them with soap in the sink so it’s been a default for that long)

While assisting my wife in auditing the basing supplies for her Tau Project I stumbled across a few Uncharted seas scenery pieces – we’d bought a couple of starter fleets and rules etc just before it was dropped by Spartan games way back – the fleets are all painted and safely stored away but these just never quite made it through the painting – they are almost the right scale so are getting rolled into this project – if there’s room in the cases the black seas fleets can find a home in there too in the end!
The forts have been whacked with an ad mech grey spray from GW and dry brushed over with a rough Ash grey now to bring them up.

I’ll probably bounce between rigging and painting for a bit now….

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