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Star Wars: Legion Project by Deltex

Star Wars: Legion Project by Deltex

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#UPDATE 7 - 22/02/23 - AT-AT Legs, Yoda, First Try At Painting

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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WIP Wednesday 22/02/23:
This week I managed to complete the lower leg sections for all four legs and also printed one top leg section to see how it fit.

Moving back to actual Legion miniatures, I realised I had made a mistake when I pulled Yoda’s bases out of the box and they were yellow, whoops.
These miniatures are meant for the Clone Wars Republic Army but I decided to make them anyway 😀

Next, I started to have a go at painting (pre-warning, the first attempts do not go well, in my opinion)
I had been watching Miniature Hobbyist’s YouTube channel and he had been showing off the slap-chop style, in the past, I have always run out of steam on projects when it came to painting 🙁
So seeing a technique that was fast and still looked ok for tabletop standard I decided to follow along.
As you could probably guess, this does not work so well on white armour which I found out later.

I started with a black undercoat primer on a Storm Trooper then moved on to medium grey dry brush. Next, a white dry brush was applied over this, I also used some Black Templar Contrast paint on the blaster.

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