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New 40k, New army

New 40k, New army

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Fine, ill do 2k! Chaos should be weird

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Fine, ill do 2k! Chaos should be weird

So why Chaos Squats? Well Chaos should be weird and who else is gonna hang out with Chaos Men of Iron? Squats that’s who!

I wont insult your intelligence. All I’ve done is head and back pack swap, swapped some weapon hands out.

What will they be? My Chaos Chosen.

But back to weird. Back in the day with slaves to darkness and lost and the damned, chaos was weird. It had a weird mishmash of units, deamons, marines, cultists and chaos squats rubbed shoulders and it was cool. Chaos warbands were eclectic strange groups that felt like they were gathered by a strong champion on their quest to power.

So thats why Chaos Squats.

So the next 1k and what they will be:

10 Chosen – Chaos Squats
1 Exalted champion – Chaos Squat, maybe converted from Hearthguard
1 Sorcerer – Chaos Squat, I think if im buying a box of Hearthguard for the champion, i may as well use that for the space wizard too.

1 Warpsmith – Chaos space marine, i think adding a marine who has chosen to follow the men of iron is thematic and again adds something to make them look chaotic….rather than a sea of black and gold.

1 Maulerfeind – Ive got one so its cheap, but also on theme for an army of machines

1 wardog executioner and stalker – I love the minis and i like the idea of knights swearing to a robot warband. Almost as if the machine spirits of the war machines have opinions…..

3 Flamers. Utility deep strike and effective overwatch, plus i want more daemons, just need to decide on a geometric shape for them.

This leaves me 90 points for something else, so a master of executions to go with my warlord and bodyguard. Yeah i know cultests would be better, but its an excuse to model something. I think it maybe something daemonic, like a summoned bodyguard or extreme mutant.

Fine, ill do 2k! Chaos should be weird
Fine, ill do 2k! Chaos should be weird

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