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Ballroom Blitz

Ballroom Blitz

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Tree Time

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I was liking how the dungeon entrance at the rear of the castle was looking, but it still needed something more. I found a cool wooden post with a lantern, and got that painted up and glued.

I wanted a tree, a spindly dead kind of tree, but we only had really nice pretty ones which were too big anyway, or the chunky molded ones from GW that were also way too big. I found some nice thin wire and bent in into the shape I needed. I did the same to make a couple of branches, before covering it all with a bit of tin foil and then paper mache. Once dry, it was a quick black undercoat, dark brown base layer, and 2 shades of lighter brown drybrush. I added a little mossy dirt and voila. I left it all to dry completely before adding it to the diorama.

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