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Gorram's Great Star Wars Project

Gorram's Great Star Wars Project

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Next year I have a Big Birthday. I don’t normally do much for birthdays as I hate being the centre of attention. Having just celebrated the last one in this decade, I started to think on next year’s. I do want to mark it but make it less about me and more about the people that have made it this far with me. Maybe that sounds overly sentimental but ¯\_()_/¯

One of those groups of people that I know I want to do something a little special with is my gaming friends. They are loosely grouped into Wargamers and RPGers, around half of each group is the same people. In an idea scenario, I’ll manage a day of each but I’m focusing most of the wargaming side for now. One of the things I love about this part of the hobby is the amount of time investment needed to get big projects off the ground; ten months is going to fly through.

When it comes to what game I want to run, there were several that came to mind. Only one really made sense though. One setting that everyone in the group has a shared love of and that is a core part of who I am.

Star Wars.

It had to be. This is the way.

So as big of a game as I can fit in my living room, with enough for everyone to have something to play with but a game system that is easy enough to pick up quickly. A custom build table of entirely new terrain, two brand new armies larger than anything else currently painted in my 28/32mm collection. And doing all this without letting on to my friends what I’m up to because I want that “holy shit” moment when they walk into the room.

Yeah, that’s the other big thing here. All of it is to be secret until the day. That means that everything in the project log is going to be private until after the game has happened.

Hi from the past. It is late July 2023 and I just order my first minis for this project. I hope everything that you are going to see in all these posts is as fun to read as I hope it is going to be to do.

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