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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Messing Around with Bases....

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So let’s have a mess around with some of the basing experiments I have been doing and add some paint. Don’t worry, no acrylic paints were harmed in this phase or used for that matter. This really just is me playing around with paints and seeing what works.

Base 1

Let’s start with the texture paste. I started with an overbrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) followed by a drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003). I then added a thinned coat of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Industrial Earth (ABT090) which with the power of hindsight I should have thinned more….. Anyway, another drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003). I then made a wash with Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) and applied it over the whole base and then made a wash of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Green Grass (ABT094) and stippled that on the base in places followed by a bit of a wash from the Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) in the recesses. That obviously wasn’t dark enough so I did the same with a wash made from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Shadow Brown (ABT015).

Base 2

So on to the next base. This time I started with the thinned coat of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Industrial Earth (ABT090) followed by a heavy drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) and then a lighter drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003). I know I am drybrushing with oil paints right over oil paints, this does not give the same effect as with acrylics but rather blends the colours together, kind of what I am going for here. I then used the wash made of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) in the recesses and stippled a wash of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Raw Umber (ABT007) willy nillely around the base.

Base 3

This is the first base I have done with the thinned out AK Interactive Diorama Terrains Muddy Ground (AK8017). I started with a heavy drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) followed by a lighter drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003). I then stippled in a wash made from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Industrial Earth (ABT090) and then did the same with a wash made from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dark Mud (ABT130) so that they blend together.

Base 4

This the same kind of base as base 3, I started with just a drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003) from which I forgot to take a picture. I then followed it up with on the left some pure AK Interactive Fresh Mud (AK016) and on the right some thinned out AK Interactive Fresh Mud (AK016).

Base 5

This is one of the bases with straight up AK Interactive Diorama Terrains Muddy Ground (AK8017) on it. I started with a heavy drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sand Brown (ABT245) followed by a lighter drybrush of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Dust (ABT003). I then dabbed in some of the thinned AK Interactive Fresh Mud (AK016) followed by some of the Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Industrial Earth (ABT090) wash.

I still have one base left over, but most likely going to have to prep some more. But I feel like I am getting somewhere with this, just going to have to let it all dry and see how it turns out.

The reason the paint tubes are in the picture was actually for to use as reference to actually write this piece and I honestly couldn’t be arsed to flip them all upside down.

1-5 Left-Right1-5 Left-Right

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Cult of Games Member

Inventive work on the bases @amachan! And interesting choice, going with oils.

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