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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Bringing up the rear you say?

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7

As the Heart of the Scorpion, Hasn has made a friend in the dry wastes that has become his beast mount. I did some overhaul for the Gripping Beast figure in order to make a seated version by cutting off the legs entirely and resculpting. Originally I had used a set of cavalry legs buy, after a happy accident, I went to work with greenstuff.The pin I have running through the bottom of the figure proved to be helpful in painting sub assemblies as I didn’t think it would’ve been possible fully assembled.

The rich color of the scorpion’s carapace wasn’t as difficult as I thought to try and catch. I base coated using VMC Red Leather (70.818) over a white prime. On top of that I put down Blacker Lotus from the Vallejo Xpress line which came out OK and I went back to lighten it all up with some highlights. I’m damn glad to see it done and finally able to be playable. Initially, after getting the model, I didn’t have the courage to paint it. Now with a few other big meanies down, in retrospect, it wasn’t so bad a task.

Say hello to my little friends

One scorpion deserves another and because Alternative Armies had them available this larger than life mount has some tiny pals to bring along on its merry way. Oh no, the previous levy of scorpions was not enough to include in my force so here we have some “reasonably scaled” arachnids for fun and profit (something like step 2 with the South Park underpants gnomes).

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horati0nosebl0werzebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Great stuff @horati0nosebl0wer! ??? Who makes the giant scorpion?

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