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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Tutoring 2
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Idea 2
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As I was priming and basecoating the 8 new Cossacks I was really struggling with thinning the brown paint for my airbrush. This made me think to look for an airbrush equivalent and that led me to do too much research in the paint scheme for both the Soviets and the Germans. I have overhauled my paint scheme to match what I want and history better. For this however, I am going to need new paints. So I am going to have to wait until next month, most likely the second week until I can do more paint work. So this project may slow down somewhat over the coming weeks, but there are still things that need to be done. So over the coming weeks I am aiming to get the following things done:

  • Stripping the already painted figures, I will do a little guide on this as well.
  • Figure out what I want to do with the bases exactly and potentially some historical research that comes with that.
  • Build 3 Panzer III J tanks and 1 L command tank. I will also make a little guide on how I magnetize the turrets and one for making a command tank.
  • And there are always more Cossack hats to sculpt.

As I have been trying to at least post an update to this project every day, I will keep on trying, but it will become harder as I run out of stuff I can do. We’ll see if I can keep it up.

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