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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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The Rest of the First Team

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The other 3 to form the first DP MG & M1891 Rifle team of my 9th Guards Cavalry have also been basecoated. I do need to go in and check for things I need to fix up before moving on as the tremors in my hands were getting worse near the end of my painting session. I made an effort to show some of the variations that I am doing on like 1 or 2 models a team and that can include brown trousers, a helmet instead of a hat or both.

The Rest of the First Team
The Rest of the First Team

I made a couple of minor changes to the paint scheme as you may or may not be able to see, these are:

  • I also painted the weapon strap in Vallejo Model Color Red Leather (70.818). The first model I painted didn’t have one so it didn’t come up.
  • Any sacks that the models are carrying will be painted using Vallejo Model Color Desert Yellow (70.977). Again, the first model didn’t have one.
  • I changed the hair colour to Vallejo Model Color Chocolate Brown (70.872) to better differentiate between the hat and the hair.
  • And I painted the helmet in Vallejo Game Color Goblin Green (72.030) as I stated I was planning on doing before.

I will compile a full paint scheme list in the future when I am 100% sure of everything that I am going to do.

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