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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Wolf's Dragoons

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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One of things noticeable about the games is a lack of painted models, So far only 3 forces have been of painted my Ghost Bear Star, Kevin’s Comstar and a newbie to group Kains Northwind Highlanders.

Though games with unpainted minis is pretty much the norm at Asgard I can’t do it myself ( though don’t mind apponent having them.

Not long ago, I managed to pick up the Wolf’s Dragoons Star at Questing Knight at Wellington,  and wanted to play them  for a game at a little board game club in Blackheath Birmingham, as us my want above they have to be painted so did a very quick paint job for the Dragoons Alpa Regiment.

All Contrast or Speed Paints  , took me only a couple of hours. Finished off with some Wolf Dragoons Xfers off Ebay   Some dry lettering I found and some old GW white numbers from Imperial Knights.

Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons

As it happened,  the event was called off at last minute. But as Gerry said I had at least been productive.

For a quick paintjob I’m pleased with how they came out,  and as the Dragoons can field both Inner Sphere and Clan mechs , think the Dragoons will be how I paint the Alpha Strike Starter Box.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work mate

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