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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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The Background

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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  1. punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
    “the corporation was ready to wreak vengeance on the world”


With the theme and scheme settled on I wanted to add some flavour in the form of a background for the use of “Vengeance”.  Summer 2022 saw a Bot War global campaign run on the Facebook group which had a number of battlegrounds that could be fought over using specific scenarios, and at the conclusion of the campaign the results of the community games updated the lore for these locations and re-drew the battle lines.

One such location was Eastcoast City

Before the campaign……

“Rumours have surfaced that an enemy force has built a Doomsday Device in Eastcoast City.  If the forces of death are not stopped this could affect the entire eastern seaboard of the Democracy”

and after the campaign…..

“After COILS took the city, Swordana rallied her White Knights and attacked COILS before they could dig in.  With the Deceivers in the north and the White Knights attacking the south, COILS retreated and met up with their garrisons from the Space Portal.  The force then moved to occupy Southern City”.

So the COILS got kicked out of the city, and the city was left in ruins, a Doomsday Device still lurking somewhere waiting to be claimed.

The COILS corporation offices were now rubble, a dent in their pride, and a powerful weapon that could be used to inflict considerable revenge on those that interfered in their plans.  Reinforced by the Space Portal defenders, and with a new stronghold in Southern City, it was time for the Eastcoast City COILS to return to their former dominion to seek out the Doomsday Device and inflict some vengeance!!

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