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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Planning my scheme

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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With a reference photo of the Vengeance in tow, I fired up Photoshop and used some colour droppers to create colour swatches that I could use to plan my palette…..


Photoshop swatches and logo recolour underwayPhotoshop swatches and logo recolour underway

Using some images of the COILS logo and a couple of Bots from the Bot War Facebook group I used the wonderful “Color Replacement Tool” to begin recolouring the original red & black scheme into a Rezvani Vengeance adjacent scheme.  Desaturating and lightening along the way to get a sort of metallic effect I was able to confirm that I liked where the scheme was heading and it would work well on them.

The following are some of my examples showing the original scheme and the Vengeance’d one…….

Repainting the COILS LogoRepainting the COILS Logo
Repainting DarkstateRepainting Darkstate
Repainting the Fortress of PainRepainting the Fortress of Pain

Using the Paintrack app and its glorious colour picker feature I was able to colour match the swatches with the catalogue of paints I have recorded in the app to find out the best matches for how I can actually paint this scheme…..


#1A272F = P3 Thamar Black

#F9306C = Pro Acryl Magenta

#00D3FF = Pro Acryl Sky Blue

#384F57 = P3 Gravedigger Denim

#658E9C = Vallejo Mecha Blue Gray

#A5A1A0 = P3 Iron Hull Gray

#0E0F0F = Citadel Corvus Black

#D4D2C9 = P3 Underbelly Blue

The initial lineup of paints, this may change as I develop the workupThe initial lineup of paints, this may change as I develop the workup

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