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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Can I Thin This?

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Since I am painting all the figures separately and then putting them on their base and then doing the base I need something I can easily put on for texture. Now I was first thinking of doing this straight up as I have always done, but I thought it might be too thick. So I went with the texture paste, but I’d still have to paint it. So I started thinking, can I thin this. For some reason I had not thought of this before, but it does say on the tub that you can, so I gave it a try.


I thinned it with just water and spread it over a base, the base on the right has a thicker mix than the left and I think the thicker mix is somewhat better, but I also think both will do fine. This means I have to be less accurate with my mixing.

Can I Thin This?

So the plan is that I prime the bases, then glue the painted models onto it and then paint this muddy sludge on. After that all I have to do is make sure the rim is painted and the models are blended it with the base.

I am also going to have to add some tufts or rubble and stuff to it, I still need to have a think about what exactly I am going to do for that.

On a side note, I am also thinking that for all the tanks that I do for the Germans, not the tank hunters or anti-tank vehicles, I may want to do a different division. I was thinking of a Waffen SS Panzer division, but I may do a Wehrmacht one instead, I am not sure yet. If anyone has any good ideas that would fit this project, let me know.

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