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Star Wars: Legion Project by Deltex

Star Wars: Legion Project by Deltex

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#UPDATE 3 - 01/02/23 - Death Troopers, Veers, Cassian, K-2SO

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WIP Wednesday 01/02/23:
Few more done in the last week, a squad of Imperial Death Troopers, General Veers, Cassian Andor, and K-2SO.

I made a small mistake with Cassian, I did not read the upgrade cards correctly and assumed that the A280-CFE Pistol and Sniper configs were separate weapon options.
So what did I do? only went and scraped off the hand on the pistol and added to the model as well as the rifle.
I realise now it’s meant to be the same weapon, haha.

Maybe Cassian got bored of re-configuring the gun and decided to get a second one 😀

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