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The Army Of The Golden Daemon

The Army Of The Golden Daemon

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Going To 1000 Points

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 14

The last post for the moment is just looking at where I’m taking the army once I’ve got the Combat Patrol done. The full 1000-point army is…

  • Skulltaker (Warlord)
  • Bloodmaster
  • Bloodmaster
  • Karanak
  • 10x Bloodletters
  • 10x Bloodletters
  • 3x Bloodcrushers
  • 10x Fleshhounds
  • 5x Fleshhounds

I’ll be able to bring a lot of these units in from Deep Strike via The Warp in order to get into close combat quicker, especially with some of the Strategems for the Chaos Daemons right now.

It’s not exactly the most complicated army to use. You charge in and kill things in close combat as quickly as possible whilst holding some objectives with quick units like the Flesh Hounds.

From the 1000 mark, I would probably add a Daemon Prince Of Khorne, some more Bloodcrushers (get them up to 5), a Skullmaster to ride with the Bloodcrushers and perhaps a couple of Skull Cannons. I’m not a massive fan of the look of the Skull Cannons but I could probably use some ranged firepower!

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brennonzebraoutriderdanlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That colour scheme works really well.

Cult of Games Member

You have inspired me Master @brennon! I’ve a box load of Khorne demons and juggernauts and even a Khorne Lord on metal juggernaut. I didn’t want to paint them red – but a golden demon… ???

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