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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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71 MTG: Slenderman and Manhunter

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 30, Luxury: 7, Modular: 34, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, KDM GCE+COD
Models Finished in Collection: 2885 Models since start of project: 571 out of 63 completed and still not done!


Two more models done.  I’ve slowed down massively because Diablo 4 has just come out.  Once I’m far enough through Season 1 I imagine I’ll spend more time painting.  I still want to get all the game essential models for KDM painted this year, ideally before the Gamblers Chest arrives, which is supposedly in August.  I think I might miss that goal, although there’s really not much left to go if I stick to just the monsters and ignore Survivors that aren’t needed to play.  I’ve started work on the Dragon King.  He’s a big boy, but I’m hoping my airbrush has done most of the time consuming work for me.

The Manhunter, Kingdom DeathThe Manhunter, Kingdom Death

Adam Poots; “He guys, I’ve been working on this model covered in lots of fine filigree they’ll have no choice but to paint, but it’ll be super fine and shallow so it’ll be hard to paint.  I don’t think I’ve mad it hard or annoying enough though.  Any ideas?”

Guy in Design Team: “How about you put lots on thin, weak,  gangly twangable limbs in the way so they block access but don’t hide the filigree.  That way they can never get the brush to the filigree, but they can’t hide unpainted parts behind the limbs.  Make them thin and long enough and they won’t be able to brace their hands on these limbs while painting either, for fear of breaking them.  It’ll become almost impossible to paint!”

Adam Poots: “Give that man a raise!”

Slenderman, Kingdom DeathSlenderman, Kingdom Death

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Cult of Games Member

So you’re saying you didn’t enjoy painting that slender man? 8)

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