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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Acrimoniah, the Cursed Saint

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Acrimoniah, the Cursed Saint

I started by painting the fleshy bits screaming pink, washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted pink horror, then emperor’s children.


The robes were painted incubi darkness, washed nuln oil, then highlighted with a mix of incubi darkness and mechanicus standard grey.


The bone was painted zandri dust, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted ushabti bone then screaming skull.


The gold was painted retributor armour, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted auric armour gold followed by runefang steelb


The candles were painted screaming skull and then the flames were painted flash gitz yellow.

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