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The Voyages of the 'Fluffy Bunny'

The Voyages of the 'Fluffy Bunny'

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Steady Boys Steady!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Having done a starter Pirate force, it was time for the Forces of the Crown.

And I started with my Royal Marine/Army force , painting up Grenedierss.

I wont go into the process of painting them…. lets say things went wrong,right for get go with everything I tried and I ended up going back to the old tried and trusted if labourious, careful highlighting and shading.

Having realised that at this time Marines tended to have various facing colours, possibly at the whim of their Ship Captains, plus the fact most of the illustrations of Marines I had googled at the time, showed Marines with Yellow Facings. This was fine by me as they could double up as  my local Regiment the South Staffs or 38th foot of the Napoleonic period had Yellow facings. reformed in 1705 as Luke Lillingstone’s Regiment of Foot .



Steady Boys Steady!

Now the B&P  soldiers being generic , dont have quite right mitre cap, but its close enough and I amended it slightly anyway, as the royal symbol was white, but reckoned it wouldnt show up  on 32mm figures so went for Black .

Depsite the poblems look ok, curently sorting out an officer , one of the Black Scorpion Royal Navy officers without a hat will be done to go with both this the Grenedier company and the later line company.

Steady Boys Steady!
Steady Boys Steady!
For Lloyd.For Lloyd.

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