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The Emerald Court Under Heaven

The Emerald Court Under Heaven

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Divine Inspiration (pt. 2)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Engineering a dream with the mists of the mind is easier said than done sometimes.

Knowing that the project system has issues with lengthy posts means getting chunks of idea down for future reference that has proven to be a good plan in avoiding mishap.

Addressing the platform started with images of traditional Japanese festival (matsuri) floats. As large ornate wooden constructs hauled on wheels by men on foot they are perfect to imagine scale for the drumming women I planned to have on the platform. The smaller dokkaebi came to mind again with the outfits of the line bearers, ferriers, draft humans(?) but would need different hats.

So as to make it easy to paint as a  subassembly and see more things on the completed work the structure would need to be open for the drummers. Keeping with the Korean theme I dug into imagery for historic architecture of various temples. I also considered about how much of a pain it would be to have someone scratchbuild for 3D printing. It would be painfully pricy for the cost of work done by whoever I ended up hiring to digitally weld all this insanity together.

I lucked out to find the files for a traditional Korean pavillion at a single digit price which helped me worry less about bankruptcy.

I started onto how the pavillions were painted and think I have made “a big boo-boo”.

I have been called a mad lad before in past review of my work, and presently I don’t think that’s an inappropriate description for this portion of the project.

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