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Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

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Growly Dude On Snow Puppy

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have no idea what these models proper names are, so I’m making up my own as I go. Next up was this fella on his snarling mount. I wanted to keep the fur slightly different to the trolls, whilst still keeping it cohesive, so I went for a more tan kind of colour, highlighted up to white. For his base, I used a small, thick lump of slate, and a small frosted pine tree. Honestly, we’re gonna have no Frostgrave scenery left after I’ve finished this army.

I gave the snow puppy ice blue eyes, to keep that little flash of colour throughout the army. I’m also going to make his weapon blade brighter now that I’ve had a proper look at it.

Growly Dude On Snow Puppy

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