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Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

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Ah, Go On Then

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3

So, Darren loved what I did with his Frost Giant so much that he asked me to paint his entire Northern Alliance army. Of course, I said yes, because its such an epic army, and I’d kind of been regretting not choosing them myself (especially when those awesome raven rider things came out). I’m going down the minimum-model-count-per-base route, so as I can turn the bases into almost miniature dioramas. I love basing. A lot. I already have the Frost Giant done, so it feels like a head start already. Next up, the frosty troll dudes.

Ah, Go On Then

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Beckie BlakeSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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does this mean you’ll be getting to paint some of the dorfs surfing on giant flappy boids then?

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