Draconis: Spring Clean 2023 and onward
Finishing Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion *spoilers*
**please note that this post contains spoilers for the Level 5 secret boxes for Voidwarden and Red Guard**
23rd June 2023
Last year my wife and I played through Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion.
I painted all four characters but we ended up using Hatchet and Demolitionist.
At level 5 you get to open up a secret box with an extra piece for your character. So I painted up those for our two characters.
However, I realised that I hadn’t painted the remaining two pieces – so, another spring clean up job ?
They are relatively basic minis. There is a ward staff for the Voidwarden and a Sand Devil for the Red Guard.
I started out with a brown base coat for the Sand devil, then dry brushed up through several Sand colours, and a final small few highlights. I gave it a matt varnish to seal it and to make it look more ‘dry’.
Then it was onto the staff.
I painted it as dark metal, and made the ground a dark earth shade.
I then painted the ‘flames’ white and gave it a green wash to make it llook otherworldly.
There are cracks on the ground where the staff is struck in, so I mixed white into the green wash and ran it into those cracks, and into the glyphs at the top of the staff.
A quick job on these, but I think they came out OK.
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